Make a gift

Give to Lyric Opera of Chicago

Donate now by filling and submitting the form below. If you would prefer to donate by phone, please contact our Development office at 312.827.3500.

Consider making a recurring gift to provide Lyric with continual, reliable support in scheduled monthly or quarterly installments that are comfortable and convenient for you.

Lyric also accepts contributions made from donor-advised funds, family foundations, IRA distributions, and more. Learn more about these giving options.

Make your gift today

We hope you'll enjoy your next Lyric performance even more knowing that your generosity makes it all possible. Thank you!



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Matching gift

Does your employer match your charitable contributions?

Planned gift

Lyric's Gift Planning Department is ready to help you leave a planned gift to Lyric and to become a treasured member of the Ardis Krainik Society.

Thank you for your support! Click the arrow below to add your donation to your cart.

Donor-advised funds

What is a DAF? 

A donor-advised fund (DAF) is a centralized charitable account. It allows charitably-inclined individuals, families, and businesses to make tax-deductible charitable donations of cash, publicly-traded stock, and in some cases, certain illiquid assets, to a public charity that sponsors a DAF program. 


Join Lyric

Join Lyric

Explore the exciting options we offer to our Friends of Lyric. Consider increasing your commitment to enjoy the personalized experiences we offer to Patrons of Lyric.

Lyric's donor privacy and gift acceptance policy

We do not rent or exchange lists we maintain that may include your personal information. We will not send you mailings on behalf of other organizations. 


Photo credit: Todd Rosenberg